Course Catalog

Building a Culture of Improvement using Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

About this Training

Working within large and sometimes bureaucratic organizations, it is easy to fall into a lull of complacency and simply accept the status quo. CQI is a tried and proven method to build a culture of constant improvement. This workshop will take you through the process of identifying, describing, and analyzing strengths and problems of your organization and then implementing, learning from, and refining solutions to these problems. CQI relies on creating a workplace that is proactive, supports the process, and is dependent upon the active inclusion and participation of staff at all levels of the organization.

Focus on improving the process rather than the individual to make progress toward your goal

Skills Gained

  • Observe, define, and verify a problem
  • Identify the root cause
  • Develop a solution that will bring about positive change

Intended Audiences

  • Management
  • Senior Leaders
  • Work teams

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