Social-Emotional Learning


Foundations for Social, Emotional, and Academic Success

COVID-19 has caused a serious disruption in our families, schools, and communities. This pandemic will continue to change the lives of Americans long after schools reopen.As educators, we must be able to respond to the emotional and psychological needs that will be present in our youth and families by helping them develop their capacity for resilience. Join us for this important workshop that will include specific strategies and tools that can be immediately implemented to promote social-emotional learning and well-being throughout your school environment.

Mindset Matters: Strategies for Successful SEL

We believe that all humans need to feel accepted, need a place to belong, and need to know they matter. This culture is fostered by using SEL approaches that draw out and build on assets that facilitate understanding and learning. Join us for this exciting workshop that meets the challenges of today and builds hope for tomorrow. In this workshop, participants will experience impactful and adaptable strategies that support student and adult well-being.

Strengthening Adult Social-Emotional Learning

“To promote students’ social and emotional competence, it’s important for schools to simultaneously foster a supportive staff environment that cultivates the social and emotional competence and capacity of the adults in the building" (CASEL, 2020). This workshop focuses on developing personal SEL skills, examining biases for cultural competence, and encouraging growth mindset for staff. Through collaborative learning, we will share strategies to model, embed, and sustain an SEL environment to empower adults in your building.

Empowering Students with SEL

Students learn by doing. By encouraging them to find and strengthen their voice, we create a school community that fosters students’ social, emotional, and academic growth.“Because student learning is influenced by their interactions across many settings, promoting student SEL requires thoughtful coordination of strategies that reach across classrooms, all areas of the school, homes, and communities” (CASEL, 2020). This workshop aims to assist educators in elevating student voice, integrating SEL practices, and strengthening family and community partnerships.

Healthy Relationships in School Communities

People need people, and healthy relationships provide the foundation for resilient, thriving communities. This workshop will engage participants in strategies that askthem to think differently about building relationships. As we seek to understand each other, our students, and their families, we will build an environment of mutual respect that nurtures positive youth development and enables our youth to thrive.

Success Seminars for Educators

Teachers, you are amazing! We know you are innovative, intelligent, supportive champions for the success of all students. You understand what motivates and empowersstudents, and you understand the barriers each one faces. This abundance of knowledge needs to be shared. Success Seminars for Teachers provides a forum for collective thought intended to create a dynamic community of forward-thinking teachers. Together, we will gain insight on relevant topics, navigate common challenges, and transform the art of teaching.

Metis Goal-Focused Communication

Student learning improves and students become more cooperative when they believe school is relevant to their own personal goals. It is the goal of this program to createproductive relationships between teachers and students that are based on a focus on student goals: career goals, long-term school goals, short-term class goals, and immediate classroom goals. With the Goal-Focused protocol, teachers are equipped to prepare students to be self-directed which leads to greater success and satisfaction.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is a research-based counseling model that has demonstrated great success in moving resistant youth toward positive behavior change. This model utilizes techniques and strategies that emphasize support and respect while guiding youth in identifying the needs for their behavior change and reinforcing their choices towards change.