Team Development


Building Trust

For over 30 years, research has shown trust as the cornerstone of employee satisfaction, pride, and respect. Through a series of engaging activities, teams will experience camaraderie through collaboration and discovery as this program unpacks the elements of high-trust culture and guides your team in establishing a common set of core values that will shape your personal Trust Plan of Action.

Mastering Conflict

Conflict is an opportunity for positive growth, increased creativity, and better communication. Instead of the common negative view of conflict, this workshop aims to reframe this perspective by focusing on strategies that transform the energy of conflict into courageous conversations.

Commitment, Accountability, and Results

A team must commit to being accountable to themselves and each other in order to establish respect for team members and accomplish team goals. This workshop will examine ways to hold each other accountable so that high-performance behaviors will emerge, and teams will rise to the top.

Permission to Play

The research is in. Studies show a myriad of benefits for bringing play into work. From boosting creativity and productivity to decreasing stress and illness, allowing play in the workplace is simply good for business and employees. Come ready to interact with each other using B-Cube™ boxes and other hands-on initiatives that are sure to boost your energy, camaraderie, and happiness.